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The school district recognizes that transportation is an essential part of the school district services to students and parents but further recognizes that transportation by school bus is a privilege, not a right. 

The school district’s general student behavior rules are in effect for all students on school buses, including nonpublic and charter school students.

Students have the right to receive school bus safety training. 

Students have the right to review the bus stop and bus rules.

The behavior of students and employees on the bus is a significant factor in the safety and efficiency of school bus transportation. Student and employee misbehavior increases the potential risks of injury. Therefore, the school district believes that video recording student passengers and employees on the school bus will encourage good behavior and, as a result, promote safety.

School Board Policy 707 - Transportation of Public School Students

School Board Policy 709 - Student Transportation and Safety

School Board Policy 709 - Student transportation Safety Policy Student Conduct - Bus Referral Procedures 

School Board Policy 711 - Video Recording on School Buses

Students have the responsibility to know and follow the rules at the bus stop and on the bus. 

Students have the responsibility to participate in bus safety exercises and drills. 

Students must not bring prohibited items on the bus. 

Students will be responsible for any damages. 


Explore CIO K-5 Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.