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Student Dress

Student Dress



Students have the right to choose their manner of dress and personal grooming unless it presents a clear danger to the student’s health or safety or causes a substantial disruption to student learning or the school environment.

The intention of this policy is not to abridge the rights of students to express political, religious, philosophical, or similar opinions by wearing apparel on which such messages are stated. Such messages are acceptable as long as they are not lewd, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, profane, or do not advocate violence or harassment against others.

School Board Policy 504 - Student Dress and Appearance

Students are responsible for wearing clothes that are appropriate for school activities and the learning environment. This is a joint responsibility of the student and the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s).

Appropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Clothing appropriate for the weather.

  • Clothing that does not create a health or safety hazard.

  • Clothing appropriate for the activity (i.e., physical education or the classroom).

To maintain a safe and appropriate learning environment, student dress cannot wear inappropriate items as defined by board policy and school guidelines. 

Please see Student Handbook for specific guidelines.

Explore CIO K-5 Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.