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Standards of Student Behavior

Standards of Student Behavior

A safe and positive learning environment is essential. Knowing and complying with the district’s expectations and procedures will support students in making positive choices. When students are disruptive or act inappropriately, they will be held accountable for their actions. When students do not follow the rules, school staff members are expected to respond appropriately and consistently using Tiered Interventions. 

This section of the Code of Conduct identifies the five levels of behavior infractions with examples of supports, interventions and responses. These guidelines describe the various actions that may be taken when a behavior infraction occurs.

Interventions and responses will be used within the general guidelines of the five levels of the behavior matrix. Level one is the least severe and level five is the most severe. The format of this section includes the behavior infractions, their definitions and the levels of each behavior. The dots in the matrix denote the level of behavior infractions but do not indicate which response will be taken at the administrative level. There shall be a logical relationship between the severity and frequency of the behavior infraction, the age of the student and the administrative action. School administrators will inform the parent/guardian of any student whose behavior is in serious conflict with established rules and procedures. Students and their families are responsible for working collaboratively with school staff to support the rules and procedures outlined in this Code of Conduct.

Unless otherwise noted, these policies apply to student behavior infractions occurring on any property owned or controlled by Cambridge-Isanti Schools, occurring in connection with any activity sponsored by or associated with Cambridge-Isanti Schools, or off school premises to the extent that it substantially and materially disrupts student learning or the school environment. 

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This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.