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Harassment, Hazing, & Violence

Harassment, Hazing, & Violence

Maintaining a learning and working environment free of harassment and violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability is a priority for Cambridge-Isanti Schools. School district Policy 413 - Harassment and Violence and Policy 525 –Violence Prevention outline what constitutes violence and harassment. The reporting form is found on the website.  Reports should be made to the building Principal or Human Rights Officer, the Director of Administrative Services and Human Resources, 763-689-6235.

Hazing means committing an act against a student or coercing a student into committing an act that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization or for any other purpose. For further information please refer to the Hazing Policy 526.

Explore CIO K-5 Handbook

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.

This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.