Free Speech and Expression
Rights |
Responsibilities |
Students and employees have the right to express themselves on school property. Students have the right to free speech so long as such speech does not violate the rights of others. Students and employees of the school district have the right to request distribution of nonschool-sponsored material. Students and employees have the right to participate in political campaigns and political issues, elections and public service and the right of students to pursue an education conducted in a suitable academic environment free from disruption. School Board Policy 505.1 - Distribution of Information for Political and Activities |
Students are responsible for expressing opinions, publishing written materials, and distributing literature in such a manner that does not conflict with the following beliefs:
Students must follow procedures as outlined in policy understanding that nonschool-sponsored materials on school district property are subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions set forth below. The administration will determine the most appropriate method of distribution. |
Explore CIO K-5 Handbook
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.
This handbook item is specific to Cambridge-Isanti Online K-5.